chronicling one man's journey into eating as much as possible, and burning it all (and more) to make wheels roll.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
An hour at tempo - inside

Friday, January 28, 2011
What it feels like when your threshold power goes up.
What it feels like when your threshold power goes up.
I have to admit, I pay too much attention to the stupid power number. That is a good thing sometimes but can be a bad one when it keeps me from improving. For instance, if I keep focusing on a certain number that I call my “FTP” and try to hit it or try to base a workout around it, then what happens when my form gets better? Huh? Hmmmmmm?
So, the other day, I am starting an interval. (for those of you who are…..wait…forget that. ….
For ALL of you…)
-when I do intervals inside I do them in rhythm to music. It’s because I am a musician. It’s because I am a bass player. It’s because music is always on in my head anyway. It’s because music makes the world go round. It’s because I dig music. It’s because I need something to help me stay sane… wait, strike that….
Keep from going further into insanity
Yeah. That’s it.
The Other Day, I am starting an interval. Two versions of Straight, No Chaser, total time 21 minutes, tempo to create a cadence between 92 and 79 rpm, depending on the version. Perfect.
I get about 5 minutes into it and feel good, so I click up a gear…
Me: “wait a minute”
Myself: “what?”
Me: “my HR is too low”
Myself: “no it isn’t”
Me: “yes it is”
Myself: “but I feel fine…”
Me: “ok then it’s not too low, so how about I click up another gear?”
Myself: “fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. You know whata happa whena you burn it all out early, Mr. Start-too-hard.”
Me: “but I feel good too!”
Myself: “Ok, I’m outa here.”
(so I click up another gear and wait for the blowup)
(no blowup yet and we hit the halfway mark. Ten minutes and I am still alive and kicking….)
Me: “Self? Yo!!! Self!!!...hey!! come back here…. I need you!”
Myself: “quit bothering me, I’m avoiding you.”
Me: “but I still feel fine and I am OVER threshold”
Myself: “you’re dreaming, kid. You screwed up the zero on your PM.”
Me: “nope. Zeroed it right before this workout.”
(very interesting)
(another few minutes pass and I am wondering WTF)
Myself: “um.. I don’t like this. It’s too unfamiliar”
Me: “well get used to it, Self! Hey! Quit looking at the stupid meter! Find something else to look at will ya?”
Myself: “but this does not compute”
Me: “yes it does you ninny! You are just unwilling to accept change. Now I command you to ignore everything but RPE from now until the end of the interval.”
Myself: “humpf”.
(I do. I stare at the fan from this point on until the music stops)
(one last gear, 53x12, top gear. Never been here before this late in a 20)
Me: “told you.”